Father’s Day Messages for a hand-written card  

The best gift a Father can receive is a hand-written note from their child.  Choose one of the messages below and hand-write it into a blank card or better yet – make a card.  I couldn’t believe it the other day when I picked up a card and it was $7.95.  When I realized the thank you card was more than the gift, I decided to make one.  Homemade cards are from the heart.  Some people just have a little trouble getting started or can’t find the right words for their father.  I hope the options below will help inspire you.  I hope your father has a Happy Father’s Day too!


Daddy, I maybe little But I love you real BIG


Dad, thanks for supporting our family and working hard so we could grow up the way we did.  Your career had you working tirelessly and traveling but we are so grateful for the sacrifices you made for us.  Your love has always been there for me


Every time I reflect on one of my life’s accomplishments, I can’t help but realize that I achieved it because of something you taught me.  Happy Father’s Day


Everyone has a father, but I have the best.  Happy Father’s Day


I never knew being a father was such a tough job until I had children of my own.  For tolerating our tantrums, for lovingly giving in to our crazy demands, for working tirelessly for our future and for being the best dad, I just want to say – thank you and hats off to you old man.



Happy Father’s Day dad – Whenever mom says NO, I used to ask you for a big YES.  You were always there when I needed you the most.  Your love was never ending, and I love you so much


Happy Father’s Day to the man who showed me the power of love through the good times and through the bad times


I understood the real meaning of love when you said that you were proud of me even when I failed.  Thanks dad


I wanted to thank you for always understanding the things I said, the things I didn’t say and the things I never planned on telling you, Thanks dad, I love you


Dad, you’re in all my favorite memories


Dad!  You have always been there for me through thick and thin.  There is no greater love than that.  No matter wherever life takes me, I will always remember you with love


Out of all the fathers in the world, I think I got the pick of the bunch.  Happy Father’s Day


Thank you for the comfort of knowing that whatever goes wrong.  I have a dad who can fix it (unless it’s a leaky tap).


The best think that God has ever blessed us with is a wonderful and caring dad like you.  Happy Father’s Day


Thank you for being there every day with just the love and guidance I’ve needed


I want to thank you for not granting me every single wish when I was little otherwise, I would never have toughened up to become the strong person that I am today.  Thanks dad


It is not possible to be a great father without first becoming a great human being, and you are both.  Thanks dad

As I reflect on my past mistakes, I realize how I have put you through hell.  Thanks for always loving me despite them.  I love you


We couldn’t have asked for a better father.  Thank you for all the sacrifices you made and all the love you shared.  Happy Father’s Day


A father is a son’s first hero and a daughter’s first love.  Happy Father’s Day


Until I had a daughter of my own I always though that in life’s conventional rule book, love was all about give and take.  But now I realize that in a father’s life, love is only about giving.  Today I just want to say thank you dad


When I was young, I thought strength was all about lifting weights.  But as I grew older, I understood that real strength is all about lifting the family through a tough phase of life, like you did.  Thanks dad


Just so you know, the background of my iPhone is a picture of you holding me when I was little – because the at the bottom of my heart there is a permanent soft spot for you.  Thanks for getting me the new iPhone dad


When you taught me how to jump high and shoot hoops, you actually taught me how to aim high for my dreams and achieve them.  Thanks dad


You supported me even when I was down.  You smiled at me even when I gave you a frown.  You hugged me even when I tried to push you away.  For giving me a dad like you, I thank my lucky stars every day.  I love you dad


You loved me even when I hated you, you cared for me even when I cursed you and you supported me even when I distanced myself from you.  Thanks for everything dad, I love you.


Dad, I want you to feel loved and appreciated not just on Father’s Day, but every day.  Happy Father’s Day


You were right – there I said it.  Happy Father’s Day


Dad, I know it’s hard for you on Father’s Day….to hide the fact that I’m your favorite


Dear Dad, thanks for not feeding me to the sharks or selling me to the circus.  I know it was a real possibility.  Happy Father’s Day


Happy Father’s Day – from your greatest achievement!


Look, no one said raising me was going to be easy, you just made it look that way!


Happy Father’s Day – Vockets

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